
  • Elliot

    Elliot is going into her 2nd year as a business major, from Portland, OR!

    “Going Gphi has been the most amazing and rewarding decision of my college career. I knew from the first day of rush Gphi truly emulated everything I wanted in a friend and sister. It isn’t about the sorority itself, but the girls in it that make it so special. Everyone in Gphi is so unique and amazing in their own way and I’m beyond grateful to get to be apart of something so meaningful. After a very challenging first year, my girls were all there to make me feel better and ready to take on year 2….. now after an amazing 2nd year, I can’t wait to see where year 3 takes me! Shout out to my amazing Gphi family, I don’t know what I’d do without you lovely ladies!”

  • Yuwa

    Yuwa is a third year Graphic Communications major from Laguna Beach, CA!

    “Gamma Phi has truly changed my life in all the sweetest ways! It is such a special chapter, and will forever be one of the most beautiful things that has come from my college experience. It’s the one place that I can be my true self, and love immediately follows. From my amazing friendships to all the unforgettable memories, I wouldn’t have it any other way (even my gratitude journal knows it). If you’re reading this… I love you!🩷”

  • Maggie

    Maggie is the President of GPHI, and a 4th year communications major from Snoqualmie, Washington.

    “As I head into my senior year, I have been reflecting back on all my special years spent in Gamma Phi Beta. I couldn’t be more grateful and proud to be part of something that has given me my very best friends, unforgettable memories, and unwavering love. Being a part of GPHI has truly been the best decision I’ve ever made. Every day that my friends and I get to share all the love and happiness together, reaffirms that this is exactly where I was meant to be.

    There was no doubt in my mind; I felt the authenticity of every girl in Gamma Phi Beta immediately. I ADORE these women and I knew I would grow to become who I am today alongside each and every one of them. I feel so lucky to know this kind of love ❤️🌙”